The handling of large amounts of data is challenging. It requires highly IT specialized people just to prepare the data in such a way that a Scientist can start its job. At the same time, this represents a challenge for IT resources. After proper QC, now you could start to mine in your data…
If you already have an empirical analysis pipeline, how much can it still
be optimized? How much information are you losing? Is there a “smart” way to process the data, one by one, as an expert with infinite time would do it?
We have expertise in A.I. Let us implement for you your expertise!
As you notice, we are convinced that future solutions for big data need to be based on A.I.
We have nearly 20 years on experiences of A.I. based approaches for biological data!
Dynamic Neural Networks (analogous to Dynamic Bayesian networks)
Support Vector Machines
We have developed or are willing to create additional ad hoc algorithms for your specific needs as:
Multi-objective optimization
Adaptive pruning
GA control optimization
Graph edit distance
Etc. etc. etc.
Some of our solutions have been involved in patenting process.